Welcome to mtmc MUSIC!  We are a music production company that  promotes positive vibes through the visions and sounds  of the artist.

Our Mission Statement is simply: "music from the heart". We want to share beautiful music with the world no matter what genre; music is music! We will never promote or be a part of  music that does not represent our musical morals.  We believe that music should make the world better; not worst.

Some of the current artist with mtmc MUSIC are Jay Nya Sol,Timotheus, Jazz-Straction, DJ Half-Face, and CAYCAM. The award winning producer T.Burns is the engine that drives the machine as well as other associated producers like CAMAR

You can select on the tab headers for your favorite artist music and the store for merchandise. Please spend a little time with us and allow mtmc MUSIC  to share the gift of music with you.

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Latest News

New Music in 2023 

Hello to all, Mtmc Music artist will be releasing several projects in the very near future from Jay Nya Sol (smooth jazz), Timotheus ( R&B), Jazz-Straction (Jazz-Hip Hop combo) Olivia Love (Hip-Hop) D J Half-Face (Hip-Hop) and CAYCAM (R&B).  We look forward to sharing our music with you!

best regards,

The Marketing Dept.

Breaking Musical News! 

Artist Timotheus has a new single coming out digital release on 1-31-2022 called "I'm So Ready"  Its a heartfelt written ballad that the writer tells his woman that he is so ready to make that commitment to one love forever and a day!

Can purchase right now through the Timotheus music store.